Refund Policy

We have a 5-day replacement policy, which means you have 5 days after receiving your item to request a replacement.

To be eligible for a replacement, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, sealed, and in its original packaging. You’ll also need the receipt or proof of purchase.


We only accept returns if the product you received:

  • Is in a damaged condition
  • Is missing parts
  • Is a different product than the one you ordered
  • To start a replacement, please send us a message on WhatsApp: +91 80 5466 5466

We take full responsibility in the event of the incorrect delivery of the product(s) or damaged product(s) which is quite a rare incident. But in case you receive one, we need evidence of the damaged delivery of the product(s). 

Under the refund policy, the claimer will get the full refund or will get the same product in return without paying any charges. But, to claim the refund policy, send us unboxing video while opening the parcel immediately after receiving the product(s) as evidence of the incorrect or damaged product(s) being delivered.

For any query, you can reach out to us directly through +91 +91 80 5466 5466 or email at

Cancellation Policy

After ordering a product(s), the process of packing starts. Further, it takes the shipping department to start its process. So, to stop this long process, you need to cancel the order within one hour after ordering it. 

The ordered product(s) can be canceled easily. However, in case of cancellation of the order(s), you can cancel it within one hour of ordering through an email. You must email at the required email address i.e. to initiate the cancellation process. 

Keep the subject in an email as – 

Subject – ‘Cancellation’ within one hour of order.

For Further Information – 

Address – F 70, Industrial Area, Phase 7, Sector 73 SAS Nagar Mohali, Punjab, India

Email us – 

Whatsapp us – +91 9646464097